Floyd County Republican Committee OFFICIAL CALL FOR MASS MEETING of the Floyd County Unit of the Republican Party of Virginia Monday, March 25th, 2024 As chairman and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, David Whitaker, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Jessie Peterman library, 321 W. Main St. Floyd, VA. 24091, or its alternate site, starting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 25th, 2024 for the following purposes: Electing a unit chairman, 1st vice chairman, 2nd vice chairman, treasurer, secretary, general counsel
FLOYD COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, January 19, 2018 at the Jessie Peterman Library, 321 W. Main St. Floyd, Va. 24091 at 7:00 P.M. (Snow Date) Friday, January 26th – same Time and Location. If Floyd County Public Schools are closed January 19th, then snow date of January 26th will be in effect. Agenda; 1. Approve Call for Mass Meeting with times and dates. 2. Any other business that may come before this committee. In 2018 all of the House of Representatives, including our Congressman Morgan Griffith will be on the ballot plus 1/3 of the Senate which includes Virginia’s U.S. Senator Tim
FLOYD COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, January 19, 2018 at the Jessie Peterman Library, 321 W. Main St. Floyd, Va. 24091 at 7:00 P.M. (Snow Date) Friday, January 26th – same Time and Location. If Floyd County Public Schools are closed January 19th, then snow date of January 26th will be in effect. Agenda; 1. Approve Call for Mass Meeting with times and dates. 2. Any other business that may come before this committee. In 2018 all of the House of Representatives, including our Congressman Morgan Griffith will be on the ballot plus 1/3 of the Senate which includes Virginia’s U.S. Senator Tim