Virginia Leads Nation in Tests *Not* Administered
Richmond, VA – According to the non-partisan Kaiser Family Foundation, Virginia ranks 49th in the United States with regard to COVID-19 tests administered per 1,000 residents and 14th in share of tests with positive COVID-19 results. In simpler terms, Virginia is at the bottom for testing and near the top for confirmed cases.
Governor Northam has yet to give a real answer as to why Virginia has lagged so far behind the rest of the nation in this battle against COVID-19. Instead of taking responsibility for his failed governorship, Northam has shifted blame to the Trump Administration, even though states like Maryland, West Virginia, and North Carolina have far outpaced Virginia.
N.B. – All 48 states above Virginia have the same President.
From InsideNova: “Last week, Northam criticized President Donald Trump for how he’s handled the COVID-19 pandemic and said the federal government has not done enough as states fight for equipment and tests.”
“Enough is enough. Ralph Northam needs to answer for his failure to lead Virginia through this crisis,” said RPV Chairman Jack Wilson. “Enough with the platitudes, enough with the grandstanding, and enough with putting Virginia families 49th.”