- This event has passed.
January 17, 2018 @ 11:00 am
[pdf-embedder url=”http://old.virginia.gop/assets/uploads/OFFICIAL-FIFTH-CONGRESSIONAL-DISTRICT-CONVENTION-CALL-2018.pdf” title=”OFFICIAL FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CONVENTION CALL 2018″] [pdf-embedder url=”http://old.virginia.gop/assets/uploads/2018-Certification-of-Delegates-Form.pdf” title=”2018 Certification of Delegates Form”] [pdf-embedder url=”http://old.virginia.gop/assets/uploads/2018-5th-District-Convention-Delegate-Filing-Form.pdf” title=”2018 5th District Convention Delegate Filing Form”] [pdf-embedder url=”http://old.virginia.gop/assets/uploads/2018-5th-District-Convention-Candidate-Filing-Form.pdf” title=”2018 5th District Convention Candidate Filing Form”]
As Chairman of the Fifth Congressional District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, pursuant to the
State Party Plan, and as directed by the District Committee, I, Lynn Tucker, do hereby issue this call for a
District Convention to be held:
Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 11:00 AM
Tree of Life Ministries
Located in Campbell County
2812 Greenview Dr.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
An alternate site if necessary for the following purposes:
a) Election of District Committee Chairman
b) Election of Candidate for 2018 Congressional Election
c) Transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Convention
All legal and qualified voters of the 5th Congressional District under the laws of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the
Republican Party and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required,
their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, may participate as a member
of the Republican Party of Virginia in this 5th Congressional District Convention.
Convention registration shall begin at 9:00 AM EDT and shall conclude at 11:00 AM. All Delegates in line at
11:00 AM shall be allowed to register. The Convention shall be called to order at 11:00 AM or upon registration
of all Delegates in line at 11:00 AM. For Convention registration, all participants shall be required to provide
proof of identity in the form of a valid government issued photo identification, or by signing an affidavit of
identity. Only those individuals who are registered at the Convention by 11:00 AM on April 28, 2018 or who
are in line for registration by that time, will be entitled to register and participate in the Convention.
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The District Convention shall be composed of Delegates and Alternate Delegates of the respective Units they
represent. Each Unit shall have one delegate vote per 250 votes of “Republican Voting Strength” as defined in
the Republican Party of Virginia Plan of Organization (“The Plan”). Delegates and Alternates shall be elected in
county and city mass meetings, party canvasses, or conventions called for this purpose by each Unit committee,
in conformity with the Plan. The maximum number of Delegates and delegate votes of each Unit shall be as
Locality Delegate
Max #
Military Delegation 1 No Maximum
Albemarle County 136 680
Appomattox County 38 190
Bedford County 111 555
Brunswick County 20 100
Buckingham County 26 130
Campbell County 129 645
Charlotte County 24 120
Charlottesville City 21 105
Cumberland County 18 90
Danville City 48 240
Fauquier County 115 575
Fluvanna County 48 240
Franklin County 123 615
Greene County 40 200
Halifax County 64 320
Henry County 24 120
Lunenburg County 21 105
Madison County 30 150
Mecklenburg County 54 270
Nelson County 29 145
Pittsylvania County 141 705
Prince Edward County 27 135
Rappahannock County 17 85
Unit Totals 1304 6520
The number of Alternates a Unit may have shall equal the number of Delegates to which it is entitled. The
Delegates present in a given Unit delegation shall designate which Alternate Delegate(s) shall vote in the place
of an absent Delegate(s), except where the body electing the Delegates has determined another method.
Every person elected as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to the 5th District Convention will be asked to pay a
voluntary $20.00 fee to help cover the Convention expenses. This fee will be paid to the Unit represented and
the Unit will pay the 5th District Committee. Preferential seating will be given to Units based on the percentage
of Pre-Certified Delegates remitting the fee.
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Units may or may not, per their Official Calls, have their Delegates or Alternates submit pre-files.
Pre-files must use the Delegate Form attached to this Call. Whether filed by email, via postal mail, or other
methods, all Delegate filings must be received by the date specified in the Unit’s Official Call for the Mass
Meeting, Canvass, or Convention at which the Delegate is standing for election. Postmarks do not govern.
Units choosing to not pre-file Delegates and Alternates are instructed to also collect Delegate information using
the Delegate Form at their mass meeting, canvass, or convention. All forms must contain the Delegate’s
signature. Submission of Delegate email and phone number are optional.
After the Unit process, Delegate information must be entered into the attached spreadsheet for electronic
submission to [email protected] and to [email protected] no later than April 14, 2018.
To the Unit Chairman or Permanent Chairman and Permanent Secretary of the Unit Mass Meeting, Convention,
or Party Canvass: All Certifications and applicable fees, regardless of the date of the Unit Mass Meeting,
Canvass, or Convention must be submitted not later than April 14, 2018. It is the responsibility of the Unit
Chair to confirm receipt of the certifications and fees with the District Chairman.
After the filing deadline of the certification, no change may be made except a certified Alternate Delegate may
be made a Delegate.
Certification packets from each Unit should include the following:
a) A copy of the Unit Call of the Mass Meeting, Canvass, or Convention called for the purpose of selecting
Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the 5th District Convention.
b) Unit check for Convention fees remitted by 5th District Convention Delegates.
c) Original or copy of 5th District Delegate application of elected Delegates or Alternates.
d) Printed copy of official Excel spreadsheet listing Delegates
e) Electronic copy of Excel spreadsheet listing Delegates by email.
Certification packets should be mailed or delivered as follows:
First Copy with check to:
Lynn Tucker, Chair
5th Congressional Republican Committee
709 Harper Valley Rd
Brookneal, VA 24528
[email protected]
Second Copy to:
Aaron Moyer, Secretary
5th Congressional Republican Committee
60 Dairy Rd
Ruckersville, VA 22968
[email protected]
Third Copy:
Unit’s permanent records
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Otherwise Qualified Military Members (QMM) who seek to be represented at this Convention, and who
because of the obligations of their official military orders, are unable to attend their respective Unit Mass
Meeting, Canvass, or Convention called for the purpose of selecting delegates to this Convention, and that in
lieu of selecting Delegates to represent them from their respective Unit they instead wish to be represented by
the Military Delegation, shall send an email declaration to Military Delegation Committee (MDC) Chair W.C.
Fowlkes at the email address [email protected] not later than April 14, 2018. Such Declaration
email shall include attached; a signed Statement of Qualifications for District Convention Delegate, an
affirmation of their official military orders precluding their attendance, and their email address for
correspondence. The MDC Chairman shall respond via email to each Military Member to confirm the receipt of
each email declaration. Should no confirmation be received, contact the District Chairman.
Candidate Preference Ballot
Subsequent to the receipt of the Declaration, QMMs will be sent two Candidate Preference Ballots. QMMs shall
be entitled to cast a Candidate Preference Ballot to convey their ordered candidate preferences for
Congressional candidate and 5
th District Chairman candidate (first choice, second choice, third choice, etc.).
The Candidate Preference Ballot must be returned to [email protected] not later than April 21, 2018.
The MDC Chairman shall respond by email to each Military Member to confirm the receipt of each completed
ballot. The Chairman of the Convention Elections-Tabulation Committee shall be responsible for tallying the
results of the Candidate Preference Ballots and reporting the results in total during tabulation of the votes.
Military Delegates
Persons who would otherwise qualify to be a Delegate from their local Unit may request to be a Delegate to the
Military Delegation instead. Such persons shall submit a pre-file Statement of Qualifications to the MDC
Chairman not later than April 14, 2018, along with any filing fee. Current or former active duty or reserve
military or military family members are highly encouraged to serve as Military Delegates. No one may serve as
both a Delegate of the Military Delegation and a Delegate representing their local Unit. Military Delegate pre-
files shall be provided to the candidates for Congress and 5
th District Chairman by April 14, 2018.
Military Delegation Voting at Convention
The Military Delegation shall be instructed to vote in proportion to the Candidate Preference Ballots results of
all Military Members.
Any person who desires to seek election to one of the positions listed in the Call at the District Convention shall
file a completed and signed Declaration of Candidacy, no later than 5:00 PM, February 28, 2018 at 709 Harper
Valley Rd, Brookneal, VA 24528. Postmarks do not govern, and it is the responsibility of the Candidate to
confirm receipt of their Declaration with the Chairman. The Declaration of Candidacy form is attached to this
Call, and a separate form must be completed for each position a Candidate seeks.
In addition to the signed Declaration of Candidacy, the Candidate shall pay a non-refundable filing fee payable
to the 5th District Republican Committee:
Candidate for District Chairman $ 690.00
Candidate for Congress $ 6,900.00
No nominations shall be accepted from the floor of the District Convention.
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If only one qualified candidate properly files for District Chairman, and/or Congressional Candidate, that
candidate may be deemed elected by the District Chairman. Should all convention candidates be deemed
elected, the District Chairman may cancel the Convention.
Balloting shall not begin before 11:30 AM or until all Convention Delegates in line by 11:00 AM have been
All resolutions shall be received by the Resolution Committee Chairman by email no later than April 14, 2018,
to allow review of all resolutions by the Resolutions Committee. All Resolutions shall be emailed to Rick
Buchanan at [email protected] , with a copy to Aaron Moyer at [email protected]. It
is the responsibility of the resolution patron to confirm receipt of the resolution by the Resolution Committee
Chairman. In the event of Convention cancellation, all properly submitted resolutions shall be considered at the
next 5th Congressional District Committee meeting.
Members of the Temporary Convention Arrangements include:
Carlton Ballowe, Nelson County Credentials Committee Chair
Will Pace, Pittsylvania County Nominations Committee Chair
Tinker Burkhardt, Pittsylvania County Elections-Tabulation Committee Chair
Mike Hankins, Lunenburg County Elections-Balloting Committee Chair
Rick Buchanan, Fauquier County Resolutions Committee Chair
Diana Shores, Cumberland County Rules Committee Chair
W.C. Fowlkes, Henry County Military Delegation Committee Chair
Nancy Rodland, Greene County Convention Venue Committee Chair
Each Convention Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall meet in advance of the
Convention (at the discretion of the Temporary Chairman of each such Committee and the District Chairman) to
perform their duties subject to ratification by the Delegates present and voting at the Convention. Should any
Convention Committee Chairman be unable to complete his/her duties or be unable to attend, an Alternate
Convention Committee Chairman will be appointed by the District Chairman for that Convention Committee.
On or before April 21, 2018, the following information will be emailed to each Unit Chairman for subsequent
distribution to each Delegate certified by that Unit:
-Candidates for Congress
-Candidates for District Chairman
-Properly Filed Resolutions
-Proposed Convention Rules
The Convention shall be conducted in accordance with the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of
Virginia, Bylaws of the 5th Congressional District Republican Committee, and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly
Revised, 11th Edition.
Authorized and paid for by the 5th Congressional District Republican Committee