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Arlington GOP Mass Meeting
March 25 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Mass Meeting of the Arlington County Members of the Republican Party of Virginia
March 25, 2024 at 6:30pm (EST)
3rd Floor Event Space
1101 North Highland Street, Arlington, VA 22201
As Chairman of the Arlington County Republican Committee (ACRC or Arlington GOP) and pursuant to the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Matthew Hurtt, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held in the 3rd Floor Event Space at 1101 North Highland Street, Arlington, VA, 22201, starting at 6:30pm (EST) on Monday, March 25, 2024 (registration is 6:00pm to 6:30pm EST) for the following purposes:
1. Electing a Unit Chairman;
2. Electing up to 162 precinct members of the ACRC representing the following precincts up to the number specified for each precinct:
- Arlington 3
- Ashton Heights 3
- Aurora Hills 3
- Ballston 4
- Barcroft 3
- Crystal City 3
- Cherrydale 4
- Hume 4
- Columbia 3
- Wilson 4
- East Falls Church 3
- Fairlington 4
- Glen Carlyn 3
- Clarendon 3
- Lyon Park 2
- Lyon Village 2
- Overlee Knolls 4
- Park Lane 4
- Rosslyn 3
- Thrifton 3
- Virginia Highlands 2
- Abingdon 3
- Westover 3
- Woodlawn 4
- Arlington Forest 3
- Fillmore 3
- Jefferson 3
- Wakefield 3
- Dominion Hills 3
- Glebe 3
- Lexington 3
- Oakridge 2
- Rock Spring 4
- Yorktown 4
- Madison 4
- Marshall 4
- Nottingham 4
- Arlington View 3
- Ashlawn 3
- Virginia Square 4
- Navy League 3
- Shirlington 3
- Campbell 3
- Dawson Terrace 2
- Buckingham 3
- Central 4
- Four Mile Run 2
- AUSA 3
- Monroe 3
- Crystal Plaza 3
- Taylor 2
- Gunston 3
- Met Park 4
- Garfield Park 2
3. Electing up to 35 at-large members of ACRC.
4. Electing up to 875 Delegates and an equal number of Alternates to the District Convention of the 8th Congressional District, to be held on Thursday, April 11th, 2024 at the Alexandria Knights of Columbus Hall (8592 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309) beginning at 6:00pm local time for the purposes of (1) electing a District Chairman; (2) electing three (3) Members of the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) State Central Committee to represent the 8th District; and (3) electing one (1) Elector to cast the 8th District’s vote in the Electoral College if the Republican presidential nominee wins Virginia.
5. Electing up to 875 Delegates and an equal number of Alternates to the Republican Party of Virginia Convention, to be held on Friday and Saturday, May 31st and June 1st, 2024 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center (1610 Coliseum Dr, Hampton VA 23666) beginning at 2:30pm local time on Friday and 10:00am local time on Saturday for the purposes of (1) Selecting two Electors At-Large to be voted for in the presidential election on November 5, 2024; (2) Electing a State Chairman; (3) Nominating a National Committeeman and National Committeewoman; and (4) for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the Convention.
6. And such other business as may property come before the Mass Meeting.
APPROVED: Mass Meeting of the Arlington County Members of the Republican Party of Virginia