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Clarke County GOP Meeting
September 5, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Official Call Clarke County Republican Committee for the September Unit Meeting
August 27, 2024
Clarke County Republican Committee
PO Box 284
Berryville VA, 22611
Hello Ted Lesley,
See “Notes” section below for additional information on election of Secretary and Chairman
Pursuant to the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia, I, Glen Poe, vice and Acting Chairman, of the Clarke Republican Committee, do hereby issue this meeting notice:
There shall be an official meeting of the Clarke County Republican Committee as follows:
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Old Court House located at 104 N. Church St., Berryville, VA 22611
7:00pm Guest Speakers
Barbara Bosserman-Registrar-Election Integrity
7:30pm Meeting
Call To Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome and Announcements
Recognition of Dignitaries and Guests
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Chairman’s Report
Old Business (Unfinished):
New Business:
New Members For Approval
New Member Nominations
Election of Secretary / Election of Chairman (correction)
Adoption of Election Rules
Nominating/seconding speeches
Candidate Speeches
Notes: Anyone wishing to run for secretary or chairman who will be unable to attend this meeting should contact the acting chairman (Glen Poe) and advise him you intend to have your name placed in nomination. You will also need to make arrangements with a member(s) of the committee to place your name into nomination, have a second, and someone to give a speech on your behalf. This is in addition to those giving the nominating speech and seconding speech.
Following are draft rules for the vote for secretary and chairman. Please print them as they will be debated and votes upon prior to voting for secretary and chairman.
Clarke GOP
Secretary, Chairman
September 5, 2024
Election Order: (1) Secretary (2) Chairman
1 Nomination of candidate.
2 A second for candidate.
3 Proceed until nominations are exhausted.
4 Nominations close.
5 If the position is uncontested, the candidate nominated is elected.
6 Up to 2 Minute speech by person nominating candidate followed immediately by up to 1 minute speech by person seconding candidate. This shall proceed in this manner until all nominating and seconding speeches are completed. The order shall be that in which each candidate was nominated and seconded.
7 Each candidate, order determined by lot, may speak for up to 3 minutes.
8 Method of voting will be by secret ballot.
9 A majority vote of (50% + 1) of the members present required to win.
10. If more than 2 candidates have been nominated, and no one has a majority, the candidate with the least number of votes is dropped after the initial vote, and then a second vote shall be taken. The voting shall proceed in this manner until one candidate has a majority.
11. In the event of a tie, the winner shall be determined by the drawing of lots.
Glen Poe,
Vice & Acting Chairman
Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen…
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Please contact me with ideas and suggestions about how we can better serve the Republicans of Clarke and make sure our nominees are elected.