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Tazewell County GOP Mass Meeting
March 21, 2020 @ 9:00 am
OFFICIAL CALL Mass Meeting of the Tazewell County Republican Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia
As Chairman of the Tazewell County Republican Committee, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Kyle Cruey , do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at Nuckles Hall(or the Fuller Perry Building) 515 Fairground Road,Tazewell, Va, 24651, starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 21, 2020 for the following purposes:
1) Electing a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary,
2) Electing up to 470 Delegates and an equal number of Alternates to the Republican Party of Virginia State Convention, to be held on Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2, 2020,at Greater Richmond Convention Center
403 N. 3rd Street
Richmond, VA 23219, or its alternate site, beginning at 2:30 p.m. on May 1 for the purposes of: a) electing a State Chairman; b) electing 12 At-Large Delegates (“National Delegates”) and 12 At-Large Alternate Delegates (“National Alternates”) to the Republican National Convention to be held on August 24-27, 2020, at the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, NC (or its alternate site) (the “National Convention”); c) nominating two (2) Electors At-Large to serve in the 2020 Electoral College; d) nominating a National Committeeman and National Committeewoman; and e) for the transaction of other business as may properly come before the Convention.
Each unit is entitled to one (1) Delegate Vote per 250 Republican votes cast for Governor and President at their last election, so that Tazewell County is entitled to ? Delegate Votes;
3) Electing up to 470 Delegates and an equal number of Alternates to the Ninth Congressional District Republican Convention, to be held on Saturday, April 18, 2020 at George Wythe High School, #1 Maroon Way, Wytheville, VA 24382, or its alternate site, beginning at 10:00 a.m. (with registration opening at 8:00 a.m.) for the purposes of: a) electing a District Chairman of the Ninth Congressional District Republican Committee; b) electing 3 members to the State Central Committee; c) electing 3 delegates and 3 alternate delegates to the 2020 Republican National Convention; d) nominating 1 elector to serve in the 2020 Electoral College; and e) for the transaction of other business as may properly come before the Convention.
Each unit is entitled to one (1) Delegate Vote per 250 Republican votes cast for Governor and President at their last election, so that Tazewell County is entitled to 94 Delegate Votes;
4) And, for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
Qualifications for Participation All legal and qualified voters of Tazewell County under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required, their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, may participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in its mass meetings, party canvasses, conventions or primaries encompassing their respective election districts.
In addition to the foregoing, to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated by the appropriate Official Committee, a person otherwise qualified hereunder shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party within the last five years.
A single exception to this shall be approved for a voter that renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and who expresses in writing that he/she is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends, at the time of this writing, to support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future. Any voter that utilizes the forgoing exception, and thereafter participates in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party, shall not have the benefit of the exception thereafter.
Voters may be required to produce a valid form of photo identification acceptable for voting purposes in order to participate.
Filing Requirements for Mass Meeting Candidates for election as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, or Secretary of the Tazewell County Republican Committee are required to pre-file their intention to seek such offices. A written statement of intent containing the following details shall be required: full legal name, office sought, physical and mailing address, email address, and telephone number. Such statement must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2020 in person or by mail to Sherman Cain or Kyle Cruey. Postmarks shall not govern. No statements in any form will be accepted after the aforementioned deadline.
Individuals seeking to be delegates or alternates to the state and/or district convention are not required to pre-file. Individuals wishing to be elected delegates or alternates to the state and/or district convention should attend the Mass Meeting or contact Kyle Cruey or Sherman Cain, or email info@[email protected], prior to the Mass Meeting date for information on how to be considered for election at the Mass Meeting.
Registration Fees for Mass Meeting & Conventions There will be no required registration fee to participate in the Tazewell County Republican Committee Mass Meeting. There is a registration fee of $35 for the RPV State Convention (those who do not pay the registration fee may only participate in the Presidential preference poll). There is a voluntary registration fee of $10 for the Ninth Congressional District Republican Convention. Fees are requested to be paid at the time of filing for election.