HD74 LDC Meeting

Life Church 8378 Atlee Rd, Mechanicsville, VA 23116

74TH HOUSE OF DELEGATES LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COMMITTEE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF VIRGINIA CALL FOR A MEETING Pursuant to Article V. Section D.1, and Article VII, Section B.2, of The Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia, as amended, I, Carey L Allen, of the 74th House of Delegates Legislative District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, do hereby issue this Call for a meeting of the 74th House of Delegates Legislative District Committee to convene on: Date: Monday, December 2, 2024 Place: Life Church,16801 Harrowgate Rd, South Chesterfield, VA 23834 Time: 6:00 PM The Order of Business for

HD75 LDC Meeting

Life Church 8378 Atlee Rd, Mechanicsville, VA 23116

75TH HOUSE OF DELEGATES LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT COMMITTEE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF VIRGINIA CALL FOR A MEETING   Pursuant to Article V. Section D.1, and Article VII, Section B.2, of The Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia, as amended, I, Tyler H. Craddock, of the 75th House of Delegates Legislative District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, do hereby issue this Call for a meeting of the 75th House of Delegates Legislative District Committee to convene on:   Date: Monday, December 2, 2024 Place: Life Church,16801 Harrowgate Rd, South Chesterfield, VA 23834   Time: 6:00 PM   The

SD10 LDC Meeting

Goochland Sports Complex 1800 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA, United States

10th Senate District Republican Mass Meeting As Chairman of the 10th Senate District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, pursuant to the Republican Party of Virginia Plan of Organization, and as directed by the District Committee, I, R. T. “Torrey” Williams, III, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Goochland Sports Complex located at 1800 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, Virginia 23060, or an alternative site, starting at 6:30 p.m. local time on Friday, December 13, 2024. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. The sole purpose of the Mass Meeting is nominating a Republican

HD57 LDC Meeting

820 Sanctuary Trail Drive, Richmond, VA 23238 820 Sanctuary Trail Drive, Richmond, VA, United States

OFFICIAL MEETING CALL Legislative District Committee for the 57th Virginia House of Delegates District of the Republican Party of Virginia As Chairman of the District Committee for the 57th Virginia House of Delegates District (“District Committee”) of the Republican Party of Virginia (“RPV”), the Henrico County Republican Committee holding greater than one-third of the weighted vote in the 57th Virginia House of Delegates District (“District’) as determined and published by RPV, and pursuant to the RPV Plan of Organization (including Art. VII, Sec. B), I, Bryan W. Horn, do hereby issue this call for a Meeting of the District Committee

HD67 LDC Meeting

OFFICIAL CALL 67 th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE MEETING I, Alan Aylor, Chairman of the Republican Committee for the Virginia State House of Delegates 67th Legislative District, do hereby issue a call for a meeting for the 67 th District Republican Committee. The meeting is to be held Thursday December 19, 2024 at 7:30. This meeting will be held via telephone conference, Jake Salmons (Hilliary Kent’s campaign manager), will notify the committee via email next week with the call in information. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Introductory Statement by Alan Aylor 3. New Business a. Election of Chairman b.

HD39 LDC Meeting

OFFICIAL CALL For the Legislative District Meeting Of the 39th Virginia House of Delegates District of the Republican Party of Virginia As the Chairman of the 39th House Legislative District Committee, pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as directed by the Republican Party of Virginia, I, Wally Young, do hereby issue this call for a Legislative District Committee (LDC) meeting to be held as follows: Date and Time: December 27, 2024 at 4:00 PM (via Zoom) - Invitation Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89554830453?pwd=xpdHgObMVyxPFNbu8aS78hJyQssJeb.1 Meeting Passcode: 286974 Location: Zoom Meeting Agenda: I. Call to Order II. Invocation III. Pledge of Allegiance IV. Review of Proxies V. Roll Call