Thomas Fulghum Center
Chesterfield Co. Committee Meeting
Thomas Fulghum Center 13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23112I, Emily Weinstein, Chairman of the Chesterfield County Republican Committee, do hereby issue this Call for a regular meeting of the Committee on June 27, 2022, beginning at 7:00pm at the Thomas Fulghum Center (13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23112) SEE FULL CALL HERE
Chesterfield Co. Committee Meeting
Thomas Fulghum Center 13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23112I, Emily Weinstein, Chairman of the Chesterfield County Republican Committee, do hereby issue this Call for a regular meeting of the Committee on May 24, 2022, beginning at 7:00pm at the Thomas Fulghum Center (13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23112) Agenda Arrival/Reception 6:30pm Membership Meeting 7:00pm Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and reading of the Republican Creed Approval of Minutes from the last meeting Introduction of elected officials, campaigns, and guests Appointment of Proxy Committee Treasurer’s report and other standing reports as necessary Unfinished Business New Business Adjournment SEE FULL CALL HERE
CANCELLED: Chesterfield County Party Canvass
Thomas Fulghum Center 13900 Hull Street Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23112THIS PARTY CANVASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED SEE CALL HERE SEE FILING HERE