Bye, Coronavirus!
Richmond, VA – As the world has moved on to a new news cycle, so has Governor Ralph Northam. Last week, Northam offered approximately ten minutes of COVID-19 updates and did not give one update in his Thursday press conference as much of Virginia prepared to enter Phase 2 of his draconian plan.
Does this signal the end of COVID-19? After all, many Democrat governors have ignored their own lock-down and social distancing guidelines in recent weeks:
Will Ralph Northam discuss COVID-19 in today’s press conference? Or will he continue to dangle statue removal in front of Virginia like some baby’s mobile to distract from his administration’s failures?
“Governor Northam has yet to answer for his administration’s inability to adequately serve Virginians in a time of crisis,” said RPV Chairman Jack Wilson. “But he has continued to evade accountability. There will come a time when all the statues are removed that Virginia will face another crisis, and we can only pray that we have a Republican governor on whom we can rely.”