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Rappahannock County Reagan Dinner
March 24, 2018
The Annual Reagan Dinner!
RSVP Today!
Our annual Reagan dinner will be Saturday March 24, 2018 at the Beautiful Quivremont Winery in Gid Brown Hollow, Sperryville.
Our featured speaker will be Dan Oliver Dan worked for President Reagan as General Counsel of the Department of Education, then as General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture, and finally as Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission.
Currently, Dan is with the White House Writers Group in DC and is a bi-weekly columnist (“The Candid American”). He is a splendid writer and speaker.
Prior to serving in the Reagan Administration, Dan was Editor-in-chief of The National Review, the journal William Buckley founded and edited for many years.
Special thanks to Jim Miller, who coordinated our speaker.
As always, the dinner will be pot luck with soft drinks provided.
Questions? Call Terry Dixon at 540-987-0030
RSVP by March 21, 2018
This dinner is a long-time tradition in Rappahannock. I hope you will attend and also consider becoming a sponsor. I’ll tell you more about this in moment.
The Reagan Dinner is a FREE event. You’re encouraged to bring family and friends to participate in the festivities. We ask only that if you are able, bring a main dish and either a side dish or dessert to share. Wine will be available for purchase.
This year’s dinner starts our kickoff campaign to elect a Republican Congress. That’s why I encourage you to become a sponsor of the dinner.
Sponsors provide us with money to identify supporters and get them to the polls on Election Day. So please be as generous as you can.
I’m sure you agree with me that a Democrat-controlled Congress led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer would be a disaster for America and President Trump’s plans to Make America Great Again.
Your Rappahannock County Republican Committee has a solid plan to increase the Republican vote this November. Will you step up to the plate and help us with the support we need by becoming a dinner sponsor?
Do you agree with President Trump that we must overcome what is called the complacency factor in midterm elections? WE must work harder and ever to secure the gains we have made.
If Democrats win control of the House or the Senate, the investigation into the Clinton Crime Cabal will end. President Trump won’t be able to dismantle the Deep State. All of his amazing accomplishments will be at risk and the criminals will go Scott-free. The Fake News Media will get wind in its sails.
It’s important to remember that how we respond as individuals will determine the outcome of the 2018 Election. The tasks involved is electing a Republican Congress start NOW. That means money is need now to finance our work for the next six months.
We’ve mapped out a strategy to increase the Republican vote in Rappahannock County this year. Our estimated get-out-the-vote budget is $6,750.
You can see why your sponsorship and donation are important as we turn the wheels of this crucial election.
To RSVP and Become a Sponsor:
Respond to this email with your name, address and phone number, and the number of people in your party. You can bring your sponsor check to the event.
Mail your check and be recognized at the dinner.
[ ] $25 [ ] $50 [ ] $100 [ ] $500 [ ] $______ Any other amount
Please make your donation payable to: Rappahannock GOP
c/o Terry Dixon, Chairman
11 Palmer Lane
Castleton, VA 22716
Please include your name, address and phone number, and the number of people in your party
The event is in less than two weeks, please RSVP and become a sponsor Today!!!
Mass Meeting Thursday, April 5, 2018
At the Rappahannock County Courthouse 7:00pm
The mass meeting will held to elect officers for a two year term
We will no longer be electing delegates to the 5th district convention as the 5th District convention has been cancelled due to only one candidate running for chair and the congressional nominee.
Congratulations to Tom Garrett Jr., our congressional nominee and Melvin Adams our new 5th District Republican Chairman.
Copyright © 2018, All rights reserved.
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6 Palmer Lane Castleton VA. 22716
Phone: 540-987-0030
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