Botetourt County Republican Committee Meeting

Troutville Town Hall 5419 Lee Hwy, Troutville, VA

Call for October 20, 2021 Botetourt County Republican Committee Meeting “I, Chad Simmons, Chairman of the Botetourt County Republican Committee do hereby call a meeting of the Botetourt County Republican Committee to be held at the Troutville Town Hall located at 5419 Lee Hwy, Troutville, VA at 7:00PM on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 for the following purposes”: AGENDA TO INCLUDE 1.CALL TO ORDER Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Republican Creed 2. ROLL CALL 3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES– Secretary Matt Miller 5. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 6. TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer Chris Booth 7. OLD BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS

Portsmouth GOP Meeting

Renaissance Hotel Restaurant 425 Water Street, Portsmouth, VA, United States

CANCELLED: OFFICIAL CALL: Spotsylvania County Republican Committee Party Canvas


In accordance with our duly approved and duly published call under the Party Plan of the Republican Party of Virginia, the December 4th party canvass is cancelled and Jacob Lane is the official Republican Nominee for the Livingston District Board of Supervisors. In Life & Liberty, Dustin Curtis Chairman, Spotsylvania County Republican Committee For the purpose of nominating a Republican candidate for the office of Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors, Livingston District.   Official Call Filing Forms Party Canvas Rules