Madison Co. Committee Meeting

War Memorial, General District Court, 2 Main Street, Madison, Virginia 22727

I, Anthony Jewett, Acting Chairman of the Madison County Republican Committee of Virginia, do hereby provide notice for a meeting of the Committee on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at the War Memorial, General District Court, 2 Main Street, Madison, Virginia 22727 (or alternate site if needed) at 7:00 p.m. The principal order of business will be the items listed below, or other matters as the Chairman may determine.

Spotsylvania Co. Republican Committee

Crossroads Baptist Church 4236 Lee Hill School Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22408

I, Brett Pritchett, do hereby issue a call for a meeting of the Spotsylvania County Republican Committee to be held on Thursday, September 1st, 2022 at Crossroads Baptist Church, 4236 Lee Hill School Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22408 at 7:00 pm. The agenda shall tentatively be: I. Welcome and Greetings II. Chairman's Report III. Call to order (7:05 pm) IV. Invocation V. Pledge of Allegiance VI. Reading of the Virginia Republican Creed VII. Report of proxies & determination of a quorum (Sign in when you arrive - proxy form here) VIII. Approval of June and July meeting minutes IX. Executive Board Member Reports X. Treasurer's Report

Richmond City Committee Meeting

Joe’s Italian Grill and Pizzeria 6331 Jahnke Rd, Richmond, VA, United States

I, Hayden Fisher, Chairman of the Richmond City Republican Committee, do hereby issue this call for a  meeting of the Richmond City Republican Committee to take place as follows: Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022  Time: 7:00 pm   Location: Joe’s Italian Grill; 6331 Jahnke Road; Richmond, VA 23225.  Any questions about membership or proxies can be directed to Hayden Fisher at (804) 503-0033. See  attached proxy form. Committee Meeting Agenda  Call to order, Hayden Fisher, Chairman Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and RPV Creed Appointment and Report of Proxy Committee Quorum Declaration Approval of Minutes from August 9, 2022 Unit Business Meeting