48th House Mass Meeting

Olde Dominion Agricultural Complex 19783 US-29, Chatham, VA, United States

48th House District GOP Mass Meeting Call

9th Senatorial District Mass Meeting

Drakes Branch Fire Department 4801 Drakes Main Street, Drakes Branch VA

As Chairman of the 9th Senate District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, pursuant to the Republican Party of Virginia Plan of Organization, and as directed by the District Committee, I, William Pace, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at Drakes Branch Volunteer Fire Department at 4801 Drakes Main Street, Drakes Branch, VA 23937, or an alternative site, starting at 6:30 PM local time on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. Registration begins at 5:00 PM. The sole purpose of the Mass Meeting is nominating a Republican Candidate for the Senate of Virginia Special Election