Calendar of Events
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Special Fourth Congressional Legislative District Meeting
Special Fourth Congressional Legislative District Meeting
AGENDA: 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of maximum donation to Leon Benjamin for Congress 3. Discussion and Approval of collateral for educating voters of fourth district about special election for Feb 21st 4. Other Business 5. Adjournment
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VFRW 2023 Legislative Day
VFRW 2023 Legislative Day
Schedule of Events: 7:00 AM - Pocahontas Building, Subcommittee Room 300B Continental Breakfast Advocacy Group Briefing Topics Include: School Choice Safe Communities Protect Life, Family Values Economic Stability Job Creation/Workforce Skills Guest Speaker Program - TBD 8:30 AM - Group Picture - breakout to advocate to representatives 12:00 PM - Luncheon, Richmond Marriot Hot Lunch Buffett Chicken Piccata Grilled Vegetable Gnocchi Salad Smashed Red Bliss Potatoes Season Medley Graham Cracker Cheesecake Chocolate Cake Guest
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Norfolk GOP Committee Meeting
Norfolk GOP Committee Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month, Norfolk Collegiate Middle School 7 PM, 7336 Granby St, Norfolk
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Buchanan Co. Republican Canvass
Buchanan Co. Republican Canvass
As Chairman of the Buchanan County Republican Committee, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Danny Lowe, do hereby issue this call for a Party Canvass to be held at the Grundy Plaza, 1103 Plaza Drive, Grundy, VA 24614 (or its alternate site), from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. local time on January 19, 2023 for the following purposes: To elect a unit chairman for the Republican Party of Buchanan County, Va. 2023 OFFICIAL CALL 1.19.23 2023 GOP Canvass filing form