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Frightened Democrat Gubernatorial Candidates Lash Out

Richmond, VA – Last week, four of the five candidates for the Democrat gubernatorial nomination realized that the platform they’ve built over the last four years is one that won’t support their weight. Rattled by an exceptionally strong field of Republican candidates, they rolled out their timeworn talking points in a weak effort to distract voter attention from the failures of the Northam-McAuliffe administration over the last seven years.

Now that they have one party rule in Richmond, Virginia Democrats realize that they can no longer shift blame to the last Presidential administration for their catastrophic failures under Terry McAuliffe, Ralph Northam, and their Democrat enablers in the General Assembly. Constant calls for defunding the police, putting felon rights over victim rights, keeping our economy shuttered, and shutting down schools and public education are not election-winning strategies.

For those keeping score at home:

  • Under Democrat leadership, Virginia ranked for months near the bottom of the nation in COVID-19 testing and vaccinations.
  • Terry McAuliffe was sued for fraud by a group of Chinese investors for his misadventure with Greentech Automotive, collapsing the company, and putting huge numbers of American workers out of work.
  • McAuliffe’s handpicked chair of the Virginia Patrol Board engaged in expansive violations of Virginia law before being installed as a judge by Democrat legislators. The Northam administration continues a massive cover-up of illegal activities identified by the Virginia Inspector General.
  • McAuliffe’s shallow investments in education over four years as governor had to be continually plussed up by the Republican General Assembly.
  • Democrat-Socialist Lee Carter, the face of the Democrat Party of Virginia, used his office to threaten law enforcement officers in his home community.
  • Former Democrat Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, with a shallow record of legislative achievement, abandoned her constituents, put her political career first, and resigned from office to run a gubernatorial race that is destined to fail.

“This statement from Democrat gubernatorial candidates show how tone deaf and out of touch their entire field is with Virginians,” said RPV Chairman Rich Anderson. “While parents are demanding a return to five-day education for their children, most of this field voted against it and kept public education locked down.”

“They spent most of the last two years attacking our law enforcement officers and making it easier for criminals to get back on the streets. They fought to make life easier for killers and more difficult for cops. And when Terry McAuliffe’s hand-picked chair of the Virginia Parole Board allegedly violated the law to turn even more killers out into our neighborhoods, each and every one of them turned a blind eye and voted against common-sense transparency legislation.”

“Keeping school doors closed and prison doors open isn’t what Virginians want. Voters will make that abundantly clear in November when they vote out these partisan and ideological extremists. They are all unfit for office.”