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RPV Congratulates Senator-Elect Travis Hackworth

Richmond, VA – Yesterday, Tazewell County Supervisor Travis Hackworth won the special election to fill the late Senator Ben Chafin’s 38th District State Senate seat. RPV Chairman Rich Anderson issued the following statement:

“Southwest Virginia gained a strong advocate last night. There is no doubt in my mind that he will be an effective leader and a stalwart defender of the values that the 38th District holds dear.

“I want to thank the countless volunteers and staff who worked tirelessly to bring Senator-Elect Hackworth across the finish line. Elections are won and lost at the grassroots level, and our grassroots showed out incredibly.

“Winning this special election is the first step in taking back Virginia after the chaos caused by just one session of Democrat majorities in the House of Delegates and State Senate. Virginians are eager for change.”