Christmas Coffee with Suzanne Youngkin by RallyVirginia
Hilton Short Pump 12042 West Broad Street Richmond, VA 23233ATTENDEES ARE REQUIRED TO RSVP AT THE LINK BELOW
87th House Legislative District Committee
Anna's Pizza & Italian Restaurant Hampton 2845 Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA 23666As Chairman of the 87th House Legislative District Committee and Pursuant to the Republican Party of Virginia, Plan of Organization, I, Philip Siff do hereby issue this call, for a meeting of the 87th House Legislative District Committee. The meeting will be held at Anna’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant, 2845 Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA 23666 (near Langley AFB Armistead Gate); or its suitable alternate, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, December 20, 2022. The purpose of the (very short) committee meeting will be to elect a Legislative District Chairman for the two-year period beginning in 2023, determine the nomination method to
23rd Senate Legislative District Committee
Anna's Pizza & Italian Restaurant Hampton 2845 Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA 23666As Chairman of the 23rd Senate Legislative District Committee and Pursuant to the Republican Party of Virginia, Plan of Organization, I, Philip Siff do hereby issue this call, for a meeting of the 23rd Senate Legislative District Committee. The meeting will be held at Anna’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant, 2845 Armistead Ave, Hampton, VA 23666 (near Langley AFB Armistead Gate); or its suitable alternate, at 7:15 PM on Tuesday, December 20, 2022. The purpose of the (very short) committee meeting will be to elect a Legislative District Chairman for the four-year period beginning in 2023, determine the nomination method to
33rd House Legislative District Committee
Shenandoah County Sheriff's Building Conference Room 810 North Main Street, Woodstock, Virginia 22664CALL FOR MEETING of the 33rd House District Legislative District Committee (HD33 LDC). The HD33 LDC will meet on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the Shenandoah County Sheriff's Building Conference Room, 810 North Main Street, in Woodstock, Virginia 22664. The HD33 LDC are the Republican Unit Chairman of Shenandoah and Page Counties, and the HD33 unit representatives from Rockingham and Warren Counties. The Call for Meeting reads as follows: I, Vito F. Gentile, having been duly and properly elected in December, 2020 as Chairman, 15th House District Legislative District Committee (HD15 LDC) do hereby issue a CALL
Richmond City Christmas Party
Carytown Coworking 3429 West Cary Street, Richmond, VA 2321970th House Legislative District Committee
Campaign HQ 10844 Warwick Blvd Newport News, VAAs Chairman of the 70th House of Delegates Legislative District Committee and Pursuant to the Republican Party of Virginia, Plan of Organization, I, Thomas Aman do hereby issue this call, for a meeting of the 70th house of delegates Legislative District Committee. The meeting will be held at Campaign HQ, 10844 Warwick Blvd Newport News. The purpose of the (very short) committee meeting will be to elect a Legislative District Chairman for the four-year period beginning in 2023, determine the nomination method to be used for the upcoming election, and other business that may properly come before the committee. Agenda
24th House Party Canvass
HD24 Call for Party Canvass
14th Senate Legislative District Committee
Carytown Coworking 3429 West Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219Senate 14 LDC Call
83rd House Legislative District Committee
Emporia Cracker Barrel 103 Sadler Lane, Emporia VA, 23847Pursuant to Article VII, Section B of the Republican Party of Virginia Plan of Organization, we the undersigned members of the 83rd House Republican Legislative District Committee, do hereby issue this call for a meeting of said committee to be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, December 28, 2022, at Cracker Barrel 103 Sadler Lane, Emporia VA, 23847 for the purpose of: 1. Electing a Committee Chairman for the 83rd House Republican Legislative District Committee. 2. Selecting a method of nomination for the 83rd District House Seat (If Applicable). Qualifications for Participation All County Committee Chairmen or their