Louisa Co. Mass Meeting
The Betty Queen Center 522 Industrial Drive Louisa VA 23093As Chairman of the Louisa County Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Robin Horne, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at Louisa Fire Department, 300 E. Main Street Louisa VA 23093 or its alternate site, starting at 7:00 P.M., May 8th, 2023 Registration begins at 6:00 P.M. and ends at 7:00 P.M. for the following purposes: 1. Electing members to the Louisa County Republican Committee 2. Electing our nominations for all constitutional officers and Board of Supervisors. (Except
Virginia Beach Republican Committee
Virginia Beach Law Enforcement Training Academy 411 Integrity Way, Virginia Beach, VA, United States48th House Mass Meeting
Pittsylvania County Community Center 115 South Main Street, Chatham, VA, United StatesAs Chairman of the 48th House District Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, pursuant to the Republican Party of Virginia Plan of Organization, and as directed by the District Committee, I, William Pace, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Pittsylvania County Community Center, 115 South Main Street, Chatham, VA 24531, or an alternative site, starting at 6:30 PM local time on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Registration begins at 5:30 PM. The sole purpose of the Mass Meeting is nominating a Republican Candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates. 48th House District GOP Mass
CANCELLED: Pittsylvania Co. Mass Meeting
Hurt Vol. Fire Department 203 School Road, Hurt, VA 24563As Chairman of the Pittsylvania County Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization, I, William Pace, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Hurt Volunteer Fire Department, 203 School Road, Hurt, VA 24563, or an alternative site as determined by the Chairman, starting at 6:00 PM local time on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Registration begins at 5:30 PM. The sole purpose of this mass meeting is to elect up to 45 Delegates and an equal number of Alternates to the 51 st House District Republican Convention,
Salem Republican Committee
Salem Public Library 28 East Main Street, Salem, VA 24153Mecklenburg Co. Republican Committee
New Hope Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 255 Union Mill Road, LaCrosse, VA, United StatesCANCELLED: Caroline Co. Mass Meeting
Caroline Co. Town Hall 117 Butler Street, Bowling Green Va, 22427As Chairman of the CAROLINE County Republican Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Jeff Sili, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Town Hall, 117 Butler Street, Bowling Green Va, 22427 starting at 7:00 PM on May 9, 2023 for the following purposes: 1. Selecting a Republican nominee for each of the offices of Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer, Sheriff, Commonwealth’s Attorney and Clerk of the Circuit Court, to be voted on in the General Election
Charlotte Co. Mass Meeting
Drakes Branch Fire Department 4801 Drakes Main Street, Drakes Branch VAAs Chairman of the Charlotte County Republican Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, Noah Davis do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Drakes Branch Volunteer Fire Department, 4801 Drakes Main Street,Drakes Branch, Virginia, 23937 at 7:00 PM local time on Thursday, May 11 2023. Those wishing to vote in the mass meeting must be in line no later than 7:00 PM local time. The purpose of the mass meeting shall be to: 1. Nominate a Republican
Pittsylvania Co. Mass Meeting
Pittsylvania County Community Center 115 South Main Street, Chatham, VA, United StatesAs Chairman of the Pittsylvania County Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the Committee, I, William Pace, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Pittsylvania County Community Center, 115 South Main Street, Chatham, VA 24531, or an alternative site as determined by the Chairman, starting at 6:30 PM local time on Friday, May 12, 2023. Registration begins at 5:30 PM. The primary purpose of the Mass Meeting is nominating Republican Candidates for the following offices in Pittsylvania County: Constitutional Officers – one for
Goochland Co. Mass Meeting
Central High School Cultural and Educational Center 2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland, VA, United StatesAs Chairman of the Goochland County Republican Committee (GCRC) of the Republican Party, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended by the Committee, I, Ira E. (Buddy) Bishop, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Central High Cultural & Educational Complex, 2748 Dogtown Rd, Goochland, VA 23063, or alternate location if necessary, starting at 7:00 PM local time , with registration from 5:30 to 7:00 PM on Friday, May 12, 2023 for the purposes of: 1. Nominating and/or endorsing candidates for the following Goochland County offices for the November 7,
Goochland Co. Mass Meeting
Central High Cultural and Educational Complex 2748 Dogtown Road, Goochland, VA, United StatesAs Chairman of the Goochland County Republican Committee (GCRC) of the Republican Party, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended by the Committee, I, Ira E. (Buddy) Bishop, do hereby issue this call for a Mass Meeting to be held at the Central High Cultural & Educational Complex, 2748 Dogtown Rd, Goochland, VA 23063, or alternate location if necessary, starting at 7:00 PM local time , with registration from 5:30 to 7:00 PM on Friday, May 12, 2023 for the purposes of: 1. Nominating and/or endorsing candidates for the following Goochland County offices for the November 7,