Richmond, VA – House Democrats voted today to put big states like New York and California in charge of who gets Virginia’s 13 Electoral Votes, passing legislation to ratify the National Popular Vote interstate compact. Should Virginia voters choose a candidate of one party, but the candidate of another party wins the most votes nationally, Virginia’s 13 electors would be required to vote against the candidate chosen by Virginia voters. “The only reason Democrats patroned this legislation is the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election,” said RPV Chairman Jack Wilson. “If Clinton had won, this bill would not have been introduced.” “I’ve never
Richmond, VA – Today, the Republican Party of Virginia announced that it is officially changing the location of its Quadrennial State Convention to the Greater Richmond Convention Center. The Convention Center is best equipped with the facilities, ease of access for the President and/or his surrogates and attendees, and proximity to the Capitol necessary for a successful event. National change starts at the local level. Just a few short weeks ago, over 20,000 Virginians traveled to Richmond to advocate for their Second Amendment rights, and showed the entire Commonwealth of Virginia that Second Amendment supporters are united on this critical
Richmond, VA – House Democrats took another step to make hundreds of thousands of law-abiding Virginians felons today by passing authoritarian legislation to strip the Commonwealth of its Second Amendment right. “The Democrats want a vulnerable and subservient citizenry,” said RPV Chairman Jack Wilson. “Most of these General Assembly Democrats can’t tell the difference between an ‘assault weapon’ and a hole in the ground, yet they think they can regulate the Bill of Rights.” “Virginia won’t go down without a fight. Republicans are organized, energized, and inspired to turn out in 2020 to re-elect President Trump and take back the
Richmond, VA – Today, Democrats in the General Assembly rammed through a cluster of anti-Second Amendment, gun-grabbing bills at the expense of hundreds of thousands of peaceful, law-abiding Virginians. In the process, Democrats created a slew of new felons of their constituents, backtracking on their campaign promises of grand criminal justice reform. “Every day, Virginia Democrats go back on their campaign promises,” said RPV Chairman Jack Wilson. “They say one thing on their soapbox and then walk into the General Assembly and vote the opposite way. The Democrats think Virginians are blind to their actions, but I can promise you that we are
Richmond, VA – Today, President Trump got a big win and signed the historic USMCA into law. Some quick facts: Today, President Trump signed the historic United States – Mexico – Canada Trade Agreement into law. The USMCA is a big win for President Trump and American workers. This is a big improvement over the outdated NAFTA. The USMCA will spur economic growth, create thousands of American jobs, and raise wages. The trade deal will create 176,000 new jobs and add an additional $68.2 billion to the economy. The USMCA will add 76,000 new auto industry and manufacturing jobs. Our trade
Richmond, VA – Governor Ralph Northam declared a temporary state of emergency today to ban all weapons (read: the right to keep and bear arms) from Capitol Square on Monday, January 20th. Northam’s directive stems from Virginia’s reaction to proposed gun-grabbing legislation and subsequent rally that will take place on Monday. Tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens will journey to Richmond on Monday with the intent of lobbying their representatives to refrain from passing radically liberal anti-Second Amendment legislation. These Virginians have a lot on the line this session. Some of these proposals would make felons overnight of law-abiding Virginia
Richmond, VA – If nothing else, at least Virginia Democrats are consistent. Consistently hypocritical, but consistent in that. Over the last year, Democrats have: Called for Ralph Northam’s resignation (then forgave him) Called for Justice Kavanaugh’s head on a platter (then ignored Justin Fairfax) Stopped taking donations from Dominion Energy (but were fine with Dominion donating to the Way Ahead PAC) Pledged to tighten up campaign finance restrictions (with the exception of the Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Blue Commonwealth Gala). N.B. – The Democratic Party of Virginia’s Chairwoman mentions Donald Trump three times in as many sentences in what is supposed to
Richmond, VA – Today, the Virginia Democrats officially declared that they do not support an individual’s right to bear arms. House and Senate Democrats overturned more than a decade of policy and voted to ban all firearms from the Capitol and office buildings in preparation for supporters of the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution (read: Second Amendment) to come to Richmond. Please do not let any Democrat elected official lie to you and tell you that they do not want to ban all firearms and disarm Virginia’s citizenry. To reiterate, Democrats will ban/take/confiscate/criminalize the firearms of law abiding citizens.